**** Utilities Manager **** 1. Import Export-> Export Button-> On select some table gives database error, after refresh selectbox lost value,, Import button -> when select csv file in import it does not give any message; **** Late comming **** 1. Late comming rules multiselect delete button not working and header title is not correct on add and edit; 2. Late Coming Monthly Summary and Late Coming Weekly Summary on list view have a dropdown which is not clickable; 3. Late Coming Team Weekly Summary and Late Coming Team Monthly Summary wrong header title and on list view have a dropdown which is not clickable; 4. Late Coming Team Monthly Summary has wrong breadcrumb ; **** Achievements **** 1. My Approved Achievements, My Rejected Achievements, Rejected Team Achievements and Approved Team Achievements have wrong header title;-done 2. In My Approved Achievements and My Rejected Achievements,Rejected Team Achievements and Approved Team Achievements have multiselect Reject/Approve Button which needs to hide because it is not usable;-done 3. Add New Achievements throw Database error for some user and some added successfully;-done 4. Edit Achievement Item project name lost;-done 5. Rejected Team Achievements and Approved Team Achievements; **** Master Data Manager **** 1. Masters add screen Mstr Desc* needs to remove *; 2. System Entities http://www.mydevsystems.com/dev/gap/index.php/common/common_type/addCommonType label name is not correct after changing from config master and title is not matchig with submodule name ; 3. Config and Mapping needs to correct label name in add edit screen and title is differrent from submodule name ; **** Mileage **** 1. Vehicle Master Variant* needs to remove *; 2. NEW MILEAGE CLAIM DETAIL in Mileage Claims not saving data; 3. Personal Info label name is not correct; 4. My Mileage Request, My Approved Mileage, My Rejected Mileage,My Pending Mileage have wrong header title; 5. My Team Pending Mileage, My Team Rejected Mileage, My Team Approved Mileage have wrong header title; **** Period Manager **** 1. Start Date, End Date, Period Title needs * because its mandetory ; *** Asset Manager *** 1. Asset Master-> add-> Asset Availability , Issued Status have fixed value but it does not come in add button,,Depreciation Method * validation message is not comming. 2. Asset Register-> add-> Comment label is not mandatory,, ; 3. Asset Employee -> edit-> Is Manager ,Manager remove *; 4. Asset Finance -> add-> Finance Amt , needs to remove ; 5. Asset Services-> add-> All label have * but all not mandatory needs to remove*; 6. Asset Depriciation -> No Of Units Produced needs to remove and validation message for Depreciation Method * is not comming 7. Issue->addd->Comments needs to remove ,, Status * is not comming so unable to save,, ; 8. Return->add->Comment,collecter is not manadatory so remove* and Asset dropdown is not comming ; *** Recruitment *** 1. Vacancy Master->add - All label having * but not all mandatory field needs to verify; 2. Recruitment Attachment-> Ref*,Contets*,Comments*, needs to remove*,,Candidate history attachment 'Check' Button not working properly; 3.Candidate Master-> Add- Labels having * but not all mandatory field needs to verify and correct label name and data is not saving ; 4. Interview Master ->ADD- Additional Notes*,Candidate Row Id needs to remove ; 5. Job offered to Candidate -> add-> data lost of some label after saving and not comes in edit form; *** Policy Document Management *** 1. Policy Document Upload(Add/Edit screen) needs to correct label and Doc Status, Doc Type needs to remove * and when check data in User Group it have deisgn issue override other label; *** Checklist Config *** 1. Checklist Config->Checklist->Add- ,Hier Type ,Hier ,Module ,Functional Area needs to remove because they are not mandatory; 2. Checklist System Link->ADD- Functional Area ,Module needs to remove *; Checklist Maintenance Detail->ADD- No Completed ,Not Applicable needs to remove *; 3. Checklist Employee->EDIT- Is Manager ,Manager needs to remove *; *** Expense Manager *** 1. Expenses-> add-> Percentvat is not mandatary field,Expenses Amount is required but label has no ,, and one dropdown has no label name,, and data is not saved after filling all fields; 2. Expenses Employee->EDIT- Employee Code and Employee Name are mandatory but have no * with label name and needs to coreect; *** Outdoor Entries *** 1. Outdoor Entries Type-> ADD- Operational Country needs * ;-- done 2. Personal Info->EDIT- Manager needs to remove ,,Ref Emp Code,Emp Full Name needs * because its manadatory;-- done 3. My Outdoor Entries Request->ADD- Od Type,Start Date,End Date needs * on label,, and on edit db error;-- done 4. Outdoor Quota have dataabse error and ajax error in list view;-- done 5. For All type of Team outdoor have wrong name of header title;-- done **** Organisation Details **** 1. Organisation Details->Oa Brands->ADD - Needs to check mandatory fields and their label name with * all phone number fields does not take phone , when take dublicate brand name gives database error; Start Date, Cessation Date, takes default value without select; Brand Name, takes value of Brand and Brand Takes value of Brand Name; Payment Reference,Ser Qualified,Paye Reference,Pay District,Cessation Date and Start Date losts value after saving. ; Edit-> Start Date, Cessation Date, takes default value without select; Brand Name, takes value of Brand and Brand Takes value of Brand Name; Payment Reference,Ser Qualified,Paye Reference,Pay District,Cessation Date and Start Date losts value after saving. Company Setting-> OA BRANDS >> NEW COMPANY SETTINGS -> Description*, Validation* needs to remove * Setting label validation message have design issue;